description of the world
the book of ser marco polo
the venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the east
translated and edited, with notes, by colonel sir henry yule, r.e., c.b., k.c.s.i.,
corr. inst. france
third edition, revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by henri cordier (of Paris)
in two volumes
with maps and illustrations
john murray, albemarle street, w.
[being the accounts of travels in china between 1271 and 1295 by messer marco polo of venice
as told through La Maistre Rusticien de Pise also known as 'rusticiano']
the venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the east
translated and edited, with notes, by colonel sir henry yule, r.e., c.b., k.c.s.i.,
corr. inst. france
third edition, revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by henri cordier (of Paris)
in two volumes
with maps and illustrations
john murray, albemarle street, w.
[being the accounts of travels in china between 1271 and 1295 by messer marco polo of venice
as told through La Maistre Rusticien de Pise also known as 'rusticiano']